Saturday, May 29, 2010

Enough Already!

I had angioplasty in April where the positive effects lasted 1 week. I went to have angio again, ended up on the operating table, prepped, and sedated when they put an abrupt halt to it citing that I had a heart condition. May 26 I had an appointment scheduled with a cardiologist to get clearance to proceed and get another angio. They (cardiologist's office) not only flaked on us then cost us $60 in transport van costs. They called with the appt. the day before.

Yesterday, Andrew said he was going to kill himself. He says that some times. I feel that is the most selfish thing to say to me. Unless he pulls his head out of his ass and stops getting all upset and pissed off when I end up on the floor or have trouble, I am not going further with anything else and will most likely leave. It does not help me or the situation for him to act up. It just shows immaturity. Until he starts helping me instead of only throwing food at me, I'm not doing anything medically more. I need support here and not a 45 year old child that I have to calm down.

Enough is enough. Anyone knows that a person with MS has to be supported. He does not do that. He says "what do you want me to do that I'm not already doing"? My answer is act like a man in front of me not like a spoiled brat child that has a fit every time things don't go your way. I need my legs exercised not hurt like he did last night. Yeah, he hurt me physically. I do believe he is starting to get physically abusive now too. I'm the sick one that is going through the hell so man up and have some support. Being a man does not mean abusing me. It means acting like a mature adult. I have been telling him to go see a shrink. He refuses. I'm at wits end with everything. Yes, face the facts, Andrew, I could possibly die early and not get fixed, so in the mean time I need help. I do not need to fight. We've been watching movies lately. The reason why I want to watch them is because they are on my laptop and much easier to see than a dust-coated TV screen that I cannot clean and that I don't have the energy to argue with Andrew and that's all we do anymore. He's in a fantasy world about the "liberation" procedure as in I think that he thinks that it will fix me and he can get back to life before all of this. I have a skeptical and reality based take on all this. I have asked him for proof and have yet to see anything. I told him that I would do the procedure for him. And this is how he treats me? I tell you this I would rather not. Not means many things.

I had a friend who was a man and he successfully ran him off so essentially I have no one.

I believe that I am much worse because I ended up on the floor twice this week. 1st time it happened during trying to transfer to the wheel chair from the bed. The second time I slipped off the bed trying to move down the bed to the potty chair. I don't think this CCSVI thing is a good idea for those with severe deterioration just from my experience.